
Friends of the Princess,

Chronicles of the Little Princess documents the life lessons of Princess Aliyah and her quests for Justice, Best Possible Marriage, Best Possible Family, and Best Possible World.  These quests will lead her on a difficult path that only the bravest and purest will follow.  I hope you will enjoy reading about the Little Princess, and that you will be motivated by her Spirit to do a little more to improve the World.

Editor in Chief — Chronicles of the Little Princess

Dear Brothers, Sisters, and Friends of the Princess,

This month the Chronicles focuses on the Cruise to the End and New Beginnings.  The Princess set sail on a 7 day cruise with her Royal Science Advisors in search of answers to some of the the most difficult questions — why we exist, how we exist, and what we will become.  Each day she focused the scientists on a set of critical questions, turning physics on its side. Then in a big storm the ship turned on its side as well, and all became very ill.  Near death, they discovered the secret of new beginnings. Readers this month are invited to submit stories of discovery during near death experiences.

Drones vs. Poachers.  The World Future Society honored the Princess with a cover article on their premier publication, The Futurist, recognizing her unique ability to create a better future through innovation, invention, and intervention.  The article on “Drones vs. Poachers,” describes the flying robotics challenge created by the Princess that takes aim at the armed groups that are hunting the rhino and other animals out of existence.

Drone User Group.  Speaking to the DC Drones User Group, the Princess outlined how drones can be used to stop poaching. The battle ground to save the rhino is Kruger National Park in South Africa.  Poachers enter the Park at dusk splitting up into small groups.  Two carry AK-47 assault rifles to shoot Park Rangers.  One carries a large bore rifle to shoot rhinos.  Another carries an axe to cut of the horn.  When confronted by Rangers, the poachers run through the bush.  Under cover of darkness, the Rangers are not able to keep up.  The Kashmir Bat Drones will detect and track the Poachers, alerting Rangers to their location.

Prelude to Unknown.  The Princess advises that preparation for travel should include clear understanding of the mission, goals, and risks.  Physicists, metaphysicians, philosophers, and mathematicians were informed well in advance that the Cruise to the End might not return, but the mission to explore fundamental questions of why and how we exist outweighed the risks.  So they packed their bags and headed to the point of embarkation, unsure as to what might become.

Sun and Ice.  The Princess leads by example, so when he Royal Science Advisors arrived at the port during an epic ice storm, the Princess took the coat from her Footman and ordered him to be warm.  Standing in shorts and tee shirt in -10C winds, the Footman appeared as though bathed in the warm sun of the Caribbean.  Soon the Royal Science Advisors took off their coats as well, and prepared to board the freezing ship.  The Footman spoke for all in offering the following dedication:

You may command the sun to shine, or you may command us to perceive the sun is shining.  Both will make us warm in your presence.  We exist to serve, and through service we are enlightened.  Please accept this small token of appreciation for the balance that you perfectly manage between fire and ice.

The Princess then graciously accepted a cherry red ruby white sapphire ring.

Physics on its Side.  One question the Princess posed to her Royal Science Advisers was to describe that which exists when all that we know has been removed. It is the question of the ether, created by Aristotle, abandoned by Albert Einstein, resurrected by Nikola Tesla, and then lost to all but a few theoretical physicists and metaphysicians.  The Princess described traversing the Universe before it was created — a journey full of energy and adventure — while her Royal Science Advisers took notes and altered equations.

Valentine’s Day.  Having solved one of the most problems of modern physics, the Princess relaxed for a day with her Footman.  Aboard the ship all eyes turned to the the Princess in her beautiful gown dancing about while her Footman held up her tail.  It was a day to rejoice and give thanks for the love and loyalty the Princess gives each and every day.  As the crowd settled down in the evening, the Footman offered the following dedication:

On our first Valentine’s Day, you graciously accepted a heart cut ruby ring.  Each time you wear that ring, it reminds me of the love and loyalty that you give to those with open hearts.  Your love has grown, so on our fourth Valentine’s day so has your gift.

Precisely on cue, the restaurant staff raced to the table with a specially created heart shaped chocolate box.  Inside the box, the Princess discovered a ring with four heart cut ruby red gems.  Although the color of ruby, these gems are ruby spinel.  The transparent red spinels are sometimes called balas rubies, a name derived from Balascia, the ancient name for Badakhshan, located in the upper valley of the Kokcha River, one of the principal tributaries of the Oxus River along the border of ancient Kashmir.

Listing on its Side.  Soon Kashmir and then the Princess became ill. An epidemic was spreading through the ship, and only the Footman and brave Scribe remained well. Then the ship encountered anomalous winds creating extreme hazard for all aboard. As the ship sailed at full speed for the safety of the harbor, it started listing hard to port. The Royal Scribe recognized the danger and crawled on to the uppermost deck to rescue passengers that might have been there on a prior cruise.  Three times he crawled out onto the deck and three times he was dragged back by the ships crew until finally he was forcibly detained for his own safety.

Late Wedding.  The Princess and Footman explained to Captain that the Scribe was needed to perform a wedding.  Not realizing that the couple had been married countless times before, the Captain sprung into action to ensure the parents of Kashmir were properly wed.  The Chapel was prepared and the Scribe released from custody.  Wearing sweats and in obvious pain from illness, the Princess staggered into the Chapel just as the ship was hit by a great wave. Then the ceremony began with the Scribe reading the Royal Wedding Scroll while teetering about like a drunken pirate.

I am Dan T. Smith, physicist, philosopher, creator of the Best Possible World, Scribe to the Princess of Kashmir, and Go Go to the Princess in Training.  Together we travel on the Cruise to the End in search of a new Beginning.

Today the Princess may marry the Footman. As she has in the past, she may do again. So long as the Footman earns the reward, for the Princess remains free to choose.  Each year, or whenever, the Footman must ask and the Princess agree.  Then time proceeds with gifts and tea.

Footman, will you serve the Princess, cater to all her needs, and those of the Princess in Training? Will you guide her to victory over all that is evil and stand behind her as she rules over the Best Possible World?

Princess, will you again accept the service of the Footman, enslaved through obsession to you and Kashmir? Or must he ready your Pod for the Escape?

The Princess has agreed to remain in this Best Possible Marriage, so the Cruise to the End will be to a new Beginning.

Now Kashmir can bring forward the ring. Forged in the mountains of Kashmir it is the color of Dal Lake.  Kashmir selected the ring and now hands it to the Footman to bestow on the Princess.

As the host of the Cruise to the new Beginning, I now pronounce you, Princess and Footman.  You may kiss the Foot of the Princess.

The Footman placed the ring on the princess, then dropped to the floor and kissed the sacred foot completing the marriage ritual.

Early Anniversary.  Having just been married the day before, crew and passengers were surprised the following day when the Scribe announced that the Princess and Footman would be celebrating their anniversary.  But with one of the most pressing problems of modern physics solved, another day of celebration seemed appropriate. With her Royal Science Advisers gathering around, the Princess and Footman enjoyed dinner, cake, and dancing about the ship. Finally alone, the Footman offered the following dedication:

Your appearance gave me hope for a better world. Your presence gave me energy to change the world.  Your love and loyalty expanded that energy to embrace the universe.

The Footman presented his Princess with a token of appreciation, a band of Kashmir Blue and White Sapphires to adorn her wrist dancing above the Kashmir Blue Sapphire ring.  Kashmir sapphires are known for their highly saturated violetish-blue color and “velvety” or “sleepy” transparency.  They come from outcrops in the high wall of the Kudi Valley in the Zanskar range of the Himalayas where the Snow Leopards hunt the wild mountain goats.

Lecture to Premier Aerospace Company.  Back on land and recovered from the Ship’s illness, the Princess was a special guest speaker at Aurora Flight Sciences. She presented to the standing room only crowd a view of the future in which robotic aircraft solve many of the world’s problems. As experts in the field, the audience questioned how such a future might come to pass and what role they might play. The Princess responded that they should focus their thoughts and energy on the future of their choice, and the correct path will appear.

Kashmir’s Birthday.   With so much going on at the Palace, the Princess took a well deserved break to celebrate the birthday of Kashmir.  It is a time to reflect on all that Kashmir has accomplished and to look ahead to all that she will bring.  It is also the special day when Kashmir presents a gift to the Princess, recognizing all that she does each and every day to help free Kashmir.


Love is without limits, constraints, or boundaries, readily expanding as we grow, learn, and explore new horizons. This is your year for change, as you develop from Little Princess into a Great Queen.  You will still be my Mommy, but with more love and a far greater landscape.

Kashmir the Painter

The Princess graciously accepted an emerald cut pink sapphire ring. Pink sapphires are light colored rubies sometimes found in the Himalayas including parts of Kashmir and Nepal.

Chronicles Online. You now can access Chronicles online atChronicles of the Little Princess. Check frequently for notices of special events, dedications to the Princess, or back issues of the Chronicles.  You can also send your requests for back issues of the Chronicles and Leopards on the Prowl Podcasts to ChroniclesLittlePrincess@gmail.com along with feedback on this edition and suggestions for topics in the next edition of Chronicles of the Little Princess.  Brothers, Sisters, and Friends of the Princess also are invited tour her new web site, www.kashmir-rose.com.  Your contributions will help support education, artisan training, job creation, and endangered species protection around the world.

This Special Edition was drafted by the Footman, who remained healthy until returning from the Cruise to the End so he could care for the Princess and Kashmir, then became ill and nearly died while discovering new wonder in the Princess.  Readers this month are invited to submit stories of discovery during near death experiences.  Some may be included in future editions of Chronicles of the Little Princess.

February 2014

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